Sunday, May 18, 2014

Accutane Journey Update: Day 119 - The Final One

Holy shit guys, I'm done with Accutane!
I. Just. Took. My. Last. Pill.
I cannot believe that 4 months have already gone by and my skin is this clear! Okay let's do a full report.

Dry everything (especially lips)
Hair thinning
Weird eczema-like rashes
General joint pain

Pictures! (Before and After Edition)

Left cheek lookin' all nice and majestic

 Right Cheek *small cheer*

and a final selfie ;)

So was it all worth it? The pain, struggle, and dryness? ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY. Accutane has transformed my skin from an irritated, red, unpredictable nightmare to calm, clear, and beautiful skin. Yes, I still get pimples. But they are extremely small and go away very quickly. And they're normal zits; not inflamed, sore cysts. My overall skin has settled down to a much more neutral tone and my pores are practically invisible. Accutane has given me the confidence to look people in the face and it really has made me so much more comfortable with myself.
If you believe that your acne is bad or stubborn enough for Accutane, please contact a dermatologist and see what he can do for you! 

Thank you guys so much for following me through this and rooting for me. Please ask any questions through my blog about Accutane or just life in general. 
Now that I'm done with this, I will hopefully concentrate my blog on my daily life, photography, and anything else I want to share so be on the lookout for me.
See you guys later.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Accutane Journey Day 112: 16 Week Update

Hey guys! So guess what. It's my last fucking week on Accutane! Oh my god I'm so excited. My symptoms have been worsening (particularly in the dry skin and lips) but I haven't ha a zit in forever. Not to mention my skin is seriously soft and basically pore less. But not to brag. 
Right cheek
Left cheek

I forgot how freckley I was until now. It feels good to not have to spend 30 minutes in the morning applying layers of makeup to cover up my breakouts. And it feels really good not to spend an hour in front of a mirror every night going on a squeeze spree. Yessiree, I am (as of now anyway) free from acne and it feels great!
That's all for now guys! 
See you next week for my FINAL UPDATE!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Accutane Journey Day 106: 15 Week + 1 Day Update

Alrighty prom was very nice and a lot more fun than I expected! Here's a super cute pic of me and my boyfriend :)
Ooh so cute 

And the exciting news, I had great skin for prom! Here are the pics this week.

Right cheek

Left cheek and my not a hickey

Look at this skin. Look at it. I am so freaking proud of my skin. Thank you Accutane!
My lips have been more dry than usual this week, but it's all good because only two weeks of Accutane to go!

Get Ready With Me: Prom!

Good morning everybody! I woke up about an hour ago, and now I waiting to get my hair all fixed up. I would take a selfie but there are a couple of receptionists looking at me right now. But I will post one after my hair is all pretty. 
This is what I'm going for
Thank you Pinterest!