Friday, July 11, 2014

Surgery day 3: spoke too soon

So yesterday sucked pretty bad. But I kept telling myself that tomorrow is going to be a lot better due to the fact that the swelling shouldl begin to go down. I was wrongly mistaken. 
This is what today looks like.
I have no idea why I'm this swollen, because they didn't even touch my top jaw, yet I'm so swollen I can barely open my eyes. I have a theory that it has to do with this head bandage; maybe it's making the swelling much worse than it needs to be for some reason. If that's the case, then I'm in for a long, miserable week because this thing isn't coming off until Friday. As in 7 days from now. I forgot to mention that because of this bandage, I cannot wash, brush, or do anything to my face and hair. Plus I can't brush my teeth yet because the swelling is just too bad and my mouth is starting to grow a new species in there. This, of course, makes me so nauseous that I dont want to eat because it makes everything taste like the taste of my mouth. 
Several times last night and this morning I have said to myself "I can't do this". I'm getting very discouraged right now and all I want to do is just rip off this stupid bandage, take out this awful splint, tear every single one of my elastics off, and just pretend this whole surgery never even happened. But obviously I can't. So I'm just trying to get along one day at a time and tell myself that today will be better. I just don't know when that is actually going to start being true.

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